
The ReelAbilities Houston Film & Arts Festival brings free programming to Houston-area schools to communicate the message of inclusion to thousands of our city's youth through film, speakers and discussions.

The goal of the Festival is to change perceptions, reduce stigmas and remove barriers for those living with disabilities – creating long-lasting impact in our community. To do this, it is imperative that we reach our city’s youth with the message of inclusion.

Through out the month of February 2025, ReelEducation will be bringing our message of inclusion and acceptance into public, private and charter schools and even some colleges and universities across the Greater Houston Area. A wide variety of film and program options, suitable for students from elementary school to college, are available.

Benefits of participating:
  • Gives students the opportunity to think about their own perceptions and attitudes towards individuals with disabilities.
  • Students learn about what it means to be inclusive of those with disabilities.
  • Post-screening discussions allow students to have an open dialogue about topics addressed in the film(s).
  • Program allows further reflection of how individual classes and an entire school can become more inclusive communities.

How ReelEducation Works

Film Options

From feature-length movies to short films and documentaries to narratives, ReelAbilities Houston offers a wide variety of films for ReelEducation Programs.  

Post-Program Discussion

ReelAbilities speakers include the filmmakers, protagonist, educators or individuals with disabilities to allow students to have an open dialogue on subjects addressed in the program. Creating space for students to ask questions and learn about people with disabilities helps create a more inclusive community and change perceptions.

Something for All Ages

ReelEducation programs can be customized to fit any age; from preschool to graduate level, all students benefit from the opportunity to think about their own perceptions and attitudes towards individuals with disabilities.

Common Questions about ReelEducation

Due to the health and safety concerns of the current pandemic, will the Festival provide virtual opportunities to participate in the ReelEducation Program?
Can the schools pick the films they would like presented to their students?
How can we register our students to participate in the ReelEducation Program?

Selected Events

Celebrate the lives, stories and talents of people with disabilities at a ReelAbilities Houston event.

Recent News

Learn more about our work.
"This program influenced me to rethink the way I interact with people who happen to have a disability in every aspect of my life."
Festival Attendee
Larry Butler and Mae Murrow perform together at ReelMusic

Get in Touch

Learn more about how to be involved with the Festival.

Contact Us Directly

For general information, contact or (713) 986-7806.

For sponsorship or donation information, contact Michelle Fredricks, Manager of Corporate Relations and Business Development, at or (713) 986-7849.

For media inquiries, contact Julia Bernstein at

Hours of Operation

Support Our Festival

ReelAbilities Houston is able to provide free events and programs because of our generous supporters. Become a Friend of the Festival today.
Handwritten green notecards saying Thank you for telling our stories and loved it

Explore ReelAbilities Houston