ReelAbilities Houston

Save the date: February 2-23, 2025
Change Perceptions. Remove Stigma. Eliminate Barriers.
The ReelAbilities Houston Film & Arts Festival promotes inclusion and celebrates the lives, stories and talents of people with disabilities, making an impact that lasts far beyond the Festival. 

Years of Impact
Community Partners
Festival Attendees
Who We Are
ReelAbilities Houston, a month-long film and arts festival annually produced by the JFS Houston Alexander Institute for Inclusion in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, uses the arts as a vehicle to promote inclusion and amplify the voices of people with disabilities locally and nationally.
JFS Houston Alexander Institute for Inclusion and Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities

Our Team

The ReelAbilities Houston Festival is made possible by our dedicated leadership and Festival volunteers.

"ReelAbilities is always incredible. Each Festival gets better and better, as the movement grows and changes."
Festival Attendee
Michael McCulloch on the mountaintop of Machu Picchu

Explore Our Programs

Beyond 10+ days of film, art, music, speakers and more, ReelAbilities Houston’s ongoing programs educate and change perceptions.

Recent News

Learn more about our work.

Support Our Festival

ReelAbilities Houston is able to provide free events and programs because of our generous supporters. Become a Friend of the Festival today.
Handwritten green notecards saying Thank you for telling our stories and loved it

Thank you to our sponsors for supporting ReelAbilities Houston

Because of your support, we can create the best possible cultural and educational film and arts festival for the City of Houston, reaching thousands with the message of inclusion.